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Spanish Immersion


The Spanish Immersion Program is designed for students who have completed Elementary and Middle School Spanish Immersion Programs and want to continue to improve their Spanish through the immersion approach. It is open to other students, both native and non-native Spanish speakers, who show sufficient language proficiency.

Spanish Immersion language classes and Spanish Immersion social studies classes are offered in the 9th and 10th grades. Spanish Immersion language classes continue for grades 11 and 12 where students prepare for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) assessments in Spanish. Students can earn a Certificate of Achievement in Spanish Immersion which includes extra activities and service-learning projects to accompany their schoolwork.

Course Descriptions

Spanish Immersion 9 (Honors) (MYP) Grade 9 Full Year. This course, taught entirely in Spanish, focuses on the immersion students' linguistic needs, especially speaking and writing. Thematic units surrounding topics that include self-awareness, personal narratives, the environment, and the cultural student of Spanish are explored through readings, current events, and geographic awareness. This is done through the use of authentic print and video materials and a wide range of media presentations. MYP assessments/rubrics are used. 

Spanish Immersion 10 (Honors) (MYP) Grade 10 Full Year. This course is a continuation of Spanish Immersion 9. Students prepare for the IB-MYP assessments in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Taught entirely in Spanish, students continue to focus on and improve their overall language skills. Authentic materials act as a guide to language proficiency. Cultural studies, with an emphasis on Spain and Spanish literature, help remind the student of the origins of the Spanish language that is spoken worldwide. MYP assessments/rubrics are used.

Spanish Immersion 11: Language B Year 1 (Honors) (DP) Grade 11 Full Year. This level is designed for students continuing in the Spanish Immersion program and wanting to prepare for the Spanish Language B IB-DP Higher Level exam which they will take their senior year. The main objectives of this course are to increase the students' language proficiency and to build the students' fluency. Special attention to writing and speaking skills and the review and reinforcement of advanced grammar topics enhance the students' overall ability to function at a higher level in Spanish. Oral presentations and written assignments (in a variety of text types) are expected. Higher Level Language B IB-DP assessments/rubrics are used. It is expected that students will take the Spanish Language B IB-DP Higher Level exams given in the Spring of their senior year.

Spanish Immersion 11: Language A Year 1 (Honors) (DP) Grade 11 Full Year. This level is designed for students continuing in the Spanish Immersion program and wanting to prepare for the Spanish Language A IB-DP Standard Level exam which they will take their senior year. The main objectives of this course are to learn how to read critically and analyze literature in Spanish. This class is similar to an English Langauge Arts class but is taught in Spanish. Studnets' grammar should be proficient so we can focus on using writing and speaking to analyze literature and authentic texts and read and listen critically to authentic Spanish. Standard Level Language A IB-DP assessments/rubrics are used. It is expected that students will take the Spanish Language A IB-DP Standard LEvel exams given in the Spring of their senior year. 

Spanish Immersion 12 (Honors) (DP) Grade 12 Full Year. This level is designed for students in their final year of Spanish Immersion as they continue to prepare for the Spanish IB-DP Higher Level exams given in the Spring of the this year. This advanced topics course is content-based using authentic sources in the form of books, short stories, articles, videos, films, etc., to explore IB themes. Special attention to writing and speaking skills and the review and reinforcement of advanced grammar topics enhance the students' overall ability to function at a higher level in Spanish. Higher Level IB-DP assessments/rubrics are used.

Spanish Immersion World History 9 (Honors) (MYP) Grade 9 Full Year.

Spanish Immersion Human Geography 10 (Honors) (MYP) Grade 10 Full Year. 

Spanish Immersion Team

Paula Boe

Tchr - Spanish

Alysha Kellner

Tchr - Spanish

Karen Nelson

Tchr - Spanish

Mariana Romero

Tchr - Spanish