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IB News!

International Baccalaureate News!

Important Link to Our February 2022 IBDP and PSEO Parent Information Showcase Slides - click here!

Check out the articles below to learn of the many exciting things happening in the IB program at Highland Park Senior High School!


Results for IB exams of May 2018

Students all recieved their PIN codes to access their results in May.  To access your scores, go to results , and using your codes, follow the prompts to see your scores.  Firefox works best.  If you have lost your scores, you can email or  Both are out of the office for July, but checking emails occassionally, so expect a short delay in response.

Student transcript requests are all registered with their colleges, so the transcript will be sent by the end of July.  Check with your college registrar if you do not see the transcript during registration.  If you still need help, contact Charlotte Landreau or Jason Schlukebier for further assistance.

Best of luck!



Registration for IB Exams for May 2018

The IB exam registration begins October 5.  Students indicate their interest in taking an exam with the classroom teacher, but to register for the exams they must fill out the registration form (below, and also mailed to all students' homes), and turn in to C Landreau's office by Friday, Oct 27, 2:15pm.  SPPS pays for the exam fees, to encourage all students to take on the challenge of these competitive exams.  Changes in registration cannot be made after November 15, so students should take care to choose wisely, discuss with their teachers and families, and feel free to talk with their counselor and/or C Landreau also.

Letter describing exam registration

May 2018 IB Exam Calendar_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


May 2017 IB Exams

The exam season was a success, with 268 students taking 722 exams over the course of three weeks.  Students received their PIN/log in instructions, and should keep it in a secure place so that they can check their scores as of 10:45am on July 6.  Graduates' transcripts will be sent to their college (as they designated it to C Landreau) in July, and their certificates/diplomas will be mailed to their home address in early September.  

If a student has lost their PIN to access the scores, email Charlotte Landreau (  The IB Diploma office is closed until August 28, but the email is checked weekly during the summer.


20 years of the IB as Highland Park Senior!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 2:45 PM

On Thursday, April 10, 2014, we celebrated our authorization as an IB World School twenty years ago.  Staff, students, parents, and also retired teachers, principals, and alumni gathered to hear about how it all began, and to celebrate the Extneded Essays of our 25 Diploma Seniors and the CAS and other goals of our 42 IB Honors Seniors also.  


Dance program adds a new dimension to HP IB program
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 1:40 PM

Contact Information

R. Lee Stagg
Program Coordinator
Phone: 651.293.8940
Office Room #1312