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IB Middle Years Program (Grades 9 and 10)

IB Middle Years Program (IB MYP) at Highland Park Senior High School
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IB MYP Overview

Highland Park Senior High is an authorized International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) School.  The IB MYP is a rigorous international program that is student-centered as it builds on what students know (constructivism) and actively involves them in their own learning.  Students are asked to pursue open-ended inquiry and real-life investigations both locally and globally.  IB MYP is for all students in grades 9 and 10.  It will be an eventful year as students will continue to see the collaboration that took place during the last several years by the teachers put into action. Teachers implement common assessments and common units, and will continue to create more.  Students will continue to focus on the IB Learner Profile (a list of learner qualities), as well as, the Global Contexts (lens which to view content).  Our 10th graders also engage in the IB MYP Personal Project. 

We look forward to another year of collaboration among our staff and also with Highland Park Middle School. We appreciate your continued support of our IB Program. 

 IB MYP Guide for Families

IB MYP Subject Areas and Criteria

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP) comprises 8 subject areas: Language and Literature (English Language Arts), Language Acquisition (World Language), Individuals and Societies (Social Studies), Sciences, Mathematics, Arts (Performing and Visual), Physical and Health Education, and Design (Career and Technical Education).  Through these subject areas, students also experience interdisciplinary learning. At the end of the IB MYP, students also complete an IB MYP Personal Project.  The following chart lists the IB MYP Criteria (rubrics) for each subject area as well as for interdisciplinary units and the Personal Project.

IB MYP Personal Project
Students are introduced to the Personal Project in the spring of 9th grade by attending a Personal Project Showcase, attending a class presentation, and working in class to research and brainstorm ideas for their project. Students will work on the project and journals during the fall and winter of 10th grade.  (Students are also strongly encouraged to begin work on the project and journals during the summer between 9thgrade and 10th grade).  Students will complete the paper during the winter of 10th grade and present their projects during the Personal Project Showcase in the winter/spring of 10th grade.  Students and families have access to materials through the Personal Project Course on Schoology.
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