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IB Diploma Program (Grades 11 & 12)


As an authorized International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) students experience a rigorous liberal arts curriculum along with the opportunity to flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically. Students are able to explore subjects in depth and more broadly over the two-year period of their junior and senior years. Because IB Diploma students assume high levels of responsibility, they require additional family support and approval for any IB Diploma course and/or exam. Successful examinations can lead to advanced college placement and/or college credits, depending on the individual college's policy.


Preparing for the IB Diploma Program

Students begin preparation for the IB Diploma Program by taking IB MYP courses in grades 9 and 10.  These courses help to develop and refine higher level thinking skills, writing techniques and oral communications.  Any student motivated to take stimulating classes is welcome to participate in Highland's IB Diploma Program, either by taking the complete IB Diploma curriculum or by taking individual diploma level courses in an area of interest.  Some accelerated courses are required for some IB Diploma level courses.


Variety of Choices within IB Diploma Program

  • Students may pursue the Full IB Diploma.
  • Students may pursue the Commended Scholar path.
  • Students may take examinations in separate subjects.
  • Students may take the IB Diploma courses in areas of interests without taking examinations.

Full IB Diploma Candidates

IB Diploma students are required to select and test in one subject from each of the following subject groups:  language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics, arts/electives. At least three exams, and no more than four, are taken at higher level (HL) and the others at standard level (SL).  HL courses represent 240 teaching hours; SL courses cover 150 teaching hours. Examinations in these subject groups are offered in May of each year.


In addition to the six examination, full IB Diploma students are required to complete the following:

  • Theory of Knowledge class (TOK):  TOK is an interdisciplinary requirement for full IB Diploma students intended to stimulate critical reflection on knowledge and experience gained inside and outside the classroom.  Students examine the grounds for the moral, political and aesthetic judgments that individuals must make in their daily lives.
  • Creativity, Activity, Service experiences (CAS): The goal of the IB Diploma program is to educate the whole person, to help students become responsible and compassionate citizens.  The CAS requirement encourages the IB Diploma candidate to share their energy and special talents with others outside of the school day.
  • Extended Essay (EE):  Each student has the opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest.  The essay requirements for IB Diploma candidates acquaint them with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected in university study.

Highland Commended Scholar Candidates (3+1)

Commended students are required to select and test in any 3 subjects plus participate in 1 more requirement.    Additional requirements can include writing an Extended Essay, participating in CAS or taking a 4th exam.  


Progress in IB Diploma Program

HPSH can assure students the opportunity of working towards an IB Diploma if the students enter their sophomore year at level 3 of World Language and at Algebra 2.


It is important for students taking IB Diploma classes to successfully master the content of course materials as future classes will be based on that knowledge.  Students are encouraged to work with their teachers if they need additional help in understanding class content and/or assignments. Students who receive an N in one semester of a course may not be able to take the IB Diploma course in that subject area the following year.



Class of 2020 IB RESULTS

The IB exam results will be posted online as of July 6.  Students have all received their access codes.  To access your scores, go to results , and using your codes, follow the prompts to see your scores.  Firefox works best. Transcripts to college will be sent by end of July, if a college was designated on the transcript request forms.  If a student has lost their access codes they should email, and will receive a response within a week.  The letter sent to all graduating IB seniors is attached below, containing tips on how to help get scores processed at university.

2021 Letter to IB seniors

IB at Highland Park

Diploma Program Coordinator

R. Lee Stagg
IB DP Coordinator
Phone: 651.293.8940
Office: CCRC Room #1312