PLTW - Computer Science Principles
Using Python® as a primary tool and incorporating multiple platforms and languages for computation, this course aims to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths that utilize computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration. This course can be a student's first in computer science. CSP helps students develop programming expertise and explore the workings of the Internet. Projects and problems include:
- Android app development
- Solving Problems with Python
- Images and Objet Oriented Programming
- Graphical User Interfaces in Python
- Security and Cryptography
- HTM, CSS and Cloud9
- Javascript, PHP, Databases
- GitHub
- Visualizing Data
- Modeling and simulation with NetLogo
Why take the class?
- It is challenging and fun.
- Participate in a hands-on, activity-oriented program.
- Earn college credit.
- Explore careers where a national employment shortage exists
- Explore careers where pay scales are among the highest levels for entry-level professionals
Course Information