PLTW Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity is a full-year course designed to expose high school students to the ever-growing and far-reaching field of cybersecurity. This will be accomplished through problem-based learning, where students roleplay as cybersecurity experts and train as cybersecurity experts do.
Cybersecurity is designed with strong connections to the National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (also known as the NICE Framework or NCWF). Created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), this framework identifies standards that have been developed by numerous academic, industry, and government organizations. The framework objectives address topics that span K-12 education and guide learning progressions. The objectives also incorporate many of the big ideas and learning objectives outlined by the College Board and addressed in AP CSP and AP CSA. In addition, the course integrates Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) standards.
The course provides students with a broad exposure to the many aspects of digital and information security while encouraging socially responsible choices and ethical behavior. It inspires algorithmic and computational thinking, especially “outside-the-box” thinking. Students explore the many educational and career paths available to cybersecurity experts, as well as other careers that comprise the field of information security. The following is a list of the units of study in the course:
Unit 1 Personal Cybersecurity
Unit 2 System Security
Unit 3 Network Security
Unit 4 Applied Cybersecurity
Why take the class?
- It is challenging and fun.
- Participate in a hands-on, activity-oriented program.
- Earn college credit.
- Explore careers where a national employment shortage exists
- Explore careers where pay scales are among the highest levels for entry-level professionals
Course Information
- The class syllabus
- LMS (Learner Management System)
- Weekly Schedule
College Credit
- Register for Articulated College Credit (community and technical colleges). Don't use school email account. Minimum class grade for credit is a B.
- More info to follow