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College in the Schools

Highland Park offers College in the Schools through the Chinese Language & Culture department and our Scottie Leaders class.   Motivated students like you can get a jump-start on college by taking one of these College in the School courses at Highland. College in the Schools offers dual-credit courses from the University of Minnesota in a variety of subjects. Taking a U of M course through College in the Schools is just like taking the same course on campus. Your grade will be recorded on an official U of M transcript, and you will be earning U of M credit that is recognized by many colleges and universities, coast to coast. Before you decide to take a College in the Schools course it is important to ask yourself these questions:

Are you eligible?

U of M courses offered through CIS have prerequisites, such as grades in related courses, demonstration of particular skills, class rank, and other factors. If you believe you can succeed in a particular course but do not meet the eligibility criteria, discuss this with the CIS teacher or high school counselor. 

Do you have enough time to commit to this class?

Consider the other courses you may be taking. Think about nonacademic demands on your time and energy, too, like  jobs, sports, music, clubs, family, and friends. 

Are you a problem-solver?

One trait of a successful college student is initiative--the ability to seek out and use available resources, to ask questions  and get the answers you need. 

If these qualities describe you, talk to your counselor about how to register. Courses can fill up quickly, so check in with your counselor soon.