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Chinese Immersion

Chinese Immersion 中文沈浸班

The Chinese Language and Culture program at Highland offers rigorous and engaging instruction in modern Chinese (Mandarin) at Highland Park Senior High School. This outstanding immersion program offers a unique opportunity for students to prepare for changing world conditions and increased language requirements in colleges. Chinese culture is an integral part of the program. Juniors and seniors studying Chinese may take advantage of the “College in the Schools” program and earn up to ten 3000 level U of MN credits. Chinese is also part of the IB program. Chinese Immersion language classes continue for grades 11 and 12 where students prepare for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) assessments in Mandarin Chinese. Chinese Immersion 11 and 12 students have the option of taking the IB exam.

Chinese Immersion 9, Chinese Immersion 10, Chinese Immersion 11, and Chinese Immersion 12 are offered this year.  The 2019-2020 school year was the first year that Chinese Immersion 12 graduated from Highland Senior. These courses will build on the unique language abilities of immersion students at this level, challenging and increasing their language proficiency and exposing them to more and more of the 5,000 years of rich Chinese literature, art, traditions, and culture of our neighbors in the world.

 Our students from Yinghua are thriving in our Chinese Immersion Program and taking advantage of the rigorous teaching of the International Baccalaureate Program. They have transitioned well into high school, remain strongly connected with their Yinghua classmates, and are enjoying the rich connections with their Highland classmates and the staff.  

Yinghua students and parents interested in attending Highland Park  Senior High School should contact the SPPS Student Placement Center at 651-632-3760 or SPPS Student Placement Center.  If you are interested in a tour or have your student shadow, please contact the high school office at 651-744-38940. 

Chinese Immersion Course Descriptions


IB MYP Chinese Immersion 9 (Honors) Grade 9 Full Year 


This course taught entirely in Chinese, will continue to develop students’ Chinese language competencies in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and critical literacy skills.  Short stories, poetry, idioms, novels, and current events will be included. Authentic materials covering a wide range of topics, such as history, geography, and the cultures of the many peoples of China will also be included. Students will be expected to complete reading and writing assignments outside of class; give oral presentations and perform other speaking tasks throughout the year.  Assignments will also include essays, grammar exercises, letters, etc.  This course is a Middle Years Program (MYP) course. Students will be assessed using MYP rubrics in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.


IB MYP Chinese Immersion 10 (Honors) Grade 10 Full Year


This course is a continuation of Chinese Immersion 9.  Students are prepared for the IB-MYP assessments in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

This course will further challenge Chinese immersion students in the Chinese language.  Elements of grammar will be reviewed and refined through topics as they are explored. Written compositions, book reviews, listening and responding to news programs, and debate are some of the aspects of the class which have been designed to enhance students' analytical and communication skills at an increasingly higher level.  In addition, many of the basic elements of grammar are reviewed, refined, and practiced.  The class is taught entirely in Chinese and all classwork – both written and spoken - is to be only in Chinese.


IB DP/CIS Chinese Immersion 11 (Honors) Grade 11 Full Year


This course is designed to interest and challenge immersion students who wish to develop a greater degree of proficiency in the Chinese language.  This level is designed for students continuing in the Chinese Immersion program and preparing for the Chinese IB-DP Standard Level exams given during the Second Semester of the year. The main objectives of this course are to increase the students' language proficiency and to build the students' comprehension, pronunciation, and fluency skills. Course goals include expanding students’ thinking and vocabulary to extend their ability to express themselves on a variety of topics.  A variety of texts will be studied including current news stories from the Chinese-speaking world.  Special attention to writing and speaking skills and the review and reinforcement of advanced grammar topics enhance the students' overall ability to function at a higher level in Chinese. Standard Level IB-DP assessments/rubrics are used.


IB DP/CIS Chinese Immersion 12 (Honors) Grade 12 Full Year


This level is designed for students in their final year of Chinese Immersion as they prepare for the Chinese IB-DP Higher Level exam given in the Spring of the year. This advanced-level course uses authentic sources in the form of books, short stories, articles, videos, films, etc., to explore IB themes. The IB themes of social organization, identities, sharing the planet, and experiences will be explored.  The current news stories from the Chinese-speaking world will be studied.  Special attention to writing and speaking skills and the review and reinforcement of advanced grammar topics enhance the students' overall ability to function at a higher level in Chinese. Compositions, written responses, audio comprehension activities, and oral reports are assigned to enhance skills and to develop mastery of the concepts studied.  Higher Level IB-DP assessments/rubrics are used.

Chinese Immersion Teachers

Hsing-I Chan

Tchr - Chinese

Shu Whei Miao

Tchr - Chinese