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1015 Snelling Avenue South
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Prospective Students and Families

Prospective Highland Park Senior High School Families, 

We at Highland are very pleased that you are considering Highland Park Senior High School for your child. Highland Senior has a great deal to offer your child. We have a very strong academic focus with the International Baccalaureate (IB) program as the main focus that drives teaching and learning. The IB Middle Years Program (MYP) serves all students in grades 9 and 10 and the IB Diploma Program (DP) serves students in grades 11 and 12. We also have a Spanish and Chinese Immersion program for applicable students. In addition, we offer a wide range of clubs, activities, and sports that meet a wide range of student interests. Highland has a very strong reputation for our academics and our positive and safe learning environment. Thank you for your consideration. Feel free to reach out if you desire further information about Highland Senior and we hope to see you at our January Showcase (on January 16, 2025) for prospective parents. 

In Partnership,

Dr. Winston H. Tucker, Principal

Tours for Prospective Families

If you and your 8th grade child are considering enrolling at Highland Senior, we are offering student led building tours from 8:45am-9:30am. The 2024-25 tour dates are as follows:

December 11, 18
January 8, 15, 22, 29
February 5, 12

Please fill out this form to register to attend one of the tour times.

*Please note that February 14 is the deadline for applying to SPPS schools.